double storey quadruplex house for sale, Taman BDC, Kuching rumah quadruplex dua tingkat untuk dijual, Taman BDC, living room double storey quadruplex, Taman BDC, kitchen cabinet

Double storey quadruplex house for sale, Taman BDC prime area Kuching

Category:house for sale in Kuching
double storey quadruplex house for sale in Kuching
property for sale in Kuching
property in Kuching
Property Type:double storey quadruplex house, for sale
2 storey quadruplex house, for sale
Location:Kuching, Sarawak
Area:Taman BDC, Jalan BDC
Address:Taman BDC, Jalan BDC, 93350 Kuching
Title Type:mixed zone land
Land Title:leasehold
Tenure:60 years
Land Size:5 points
Built-Up Area:
Furnishing:partial furnished
Property Details:This double storey quadruplex house have very nice renovation and is well maintained. The kitchen cabinet is built with maple wood, built-in induction cooker, stove, hood and microwave oven. There are 4 air-cons, fixtures and fittings, wardrobe with nyatoh wood. The bar counter is made of granite top. There is an autogate system. A MUST VIEW to appreciate the house.
Price:RM 680,000
Phone (no sms):012-847 9500

Rumah quaduplex dua tingkat untuk dijual

Kategori:rumah untuk dijual di Kuching
rumah quadruplex dua tingkat untuk dijual di Kuching
Jenis Rumah:rumah quadruplex dua tingkat, untuk dijual
rumah quadruplex 2 tingkat, untuk dijual
Hak Milik Tanah:60 tahun
Saiz Tanah:5 point
Bilik Mandi:3
Kelengkapan:separuh lengkap dengan peralatan dapur.
Maklumat Rumah:Rumah quadruplex dua tingkat sudah diubahsuai dengan qualiti. Lokasi rumah dekat sekolah, kedai dan supermarket. Pagar automatik sudah dipasang. Kabinet dapur sudah diubahsuai dengan qualiti. Pembeli mesti tengok untuk nikmatinya.
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